
  • Strong research and development infrastructure
  • Great potential in natural resources and sustainable agriculture
  • Support for MV as an industrial bioeconomy location from the state and federal government

Industry in brief

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has a strong research and development landscape and offers the best conditions for investment in the bioeconomy. The broad spectrum of raw materials such as wood, fiber plants, energetically usable residues and previously unused marine resources such as algae and seagrass are used in bioeconomic sectors. However, raw materials from agriculture, marine resources and paludiculture (cultivation of wet moorland) also play a central role in the production of bioeconomic products, processes and services.

Innovative strength made in MV

Sustainable value chains, diverse raw materials and innovative support are the finest prerequisites for companies on the Baltic Sea coast to grow sustainably.

Your one-stop-shop Invest in MV

Full service from the initial idea to the final implementation

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern offers companies from almost every sector ideal locations. However, every investment and expansion project brings with it special challenges. We master these for you and with you - free of charge, confidentially and effectively.

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Paulin Peter Lüthke


Biotechnology, diagnostics and pharmaceutics

+49 (385) 59 2 25 - 35

+49 (171) 559 44 93


MV-Know-how & Branchen-Insights


Flächen und Immobilien für Ihr Projekt


Das Land der kurzen Wege


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